9.2. Repository Definition Files

A yum Repository Definition File with Failover To use a list of servers, substitute mirrorlist for baseurl. Set gpgcheck=0 if it is necessary to disable signature checking for the packages provided by this repository. Avoid distributing or installing unsigned packages. How to add a new yum repository - Softpanorama Adding a Yum Repository . To tell your server which repository to use, you need to create a file with a name that ends in .repo in the directory /etc/yum.repos.d. To define a new repository, you need to add a .repo file in the /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory. It can be created manually or copied from other server which already has this repository How to list YUM repositories in RHEL / CentOS - Kernel Talks Jan 10, 2018

Jan 13, 2018

First start by installing Nginx HTTP server from the EPEL repository using the YUM package … linux - How to know from which yum repository a package However, on machines where yum info [package] does not display "From repo : ", as indicated by 'theotherreceive', it is because it is not in the file primary.xml, so there will be no way to retrieve that information. Therefore, if the package is in two or more primary.xml files, you will have to determine the repo priority on you system. Importing/adding a yum .repo file using Ansible - Stack

The mysql.repo file tells the yum client on each database server where the MySQL Yum repo is located. The file contains a repository name along with the network location of the packages and the security key needed to be used to verify the identity of the Yum server.

linux - How to know from which yum repository a package However, on machines where yum info [package] does not display "From repo : ", as indicated by 'theotherreceive', it is because it is not in the file primary.xml, so there will be no way to retrieve that information. Therefore, if the package is in two or more primary.xml files, you will have to determine the repo priority on you system. Importing/adding a yum .repo file using Ansible - Stack It appears that you are correct, they don't offer what you are after. Their model is such that you would call yum_repository: 3 times, once with each of the baseurl= values you already have in your .repo file.. Thus, given your circumstance, I'd recommend just using command: to run the yum-config-manager --add-repo just as you are in shell. The only catch to that would be if yum-config-manager Adding repositories on an Amazon Linux instance - Amazon