The right to privacy on the Internet should not be subject to any restrictions, except those that are provided by law, pursue a legitimate aim as expressly listed under international human rights law, (as specified in Article 3 of this Declaration) and are necessary and proportionate in pursuance of a legitimate aim.

Why technology puts human rights at risk Jul 04, 2018 Why Is Communication a Basic Human Right? - International The place of “communication” in human rights is usually seen in light of Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), which states that everyone has a “right to freedom of opinion and expression”, including the right “to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers Free Internet access should be a basic human right: Study

Jul 04, 2018

Finland makes broadband a 'legal right' - BBC News Jul 01, 2010

Mar 09, 2020

Sep 19, 2019